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His Master�s Voice

Jeffrey Syken

When Thomas Alva Edison�s newest invention � the phonograph, was displayed in Machinery Hall at the 1889 Paris Exposition Universalle, it proved to be nearly as popular as the exposition�s centerpiece; the Eiffel Tower. For the first time, recorded sound could be produced upon demand, enough to confuse Edison�s own dog who famously heard his master�s voice through the cone speaker of the phonograph. This image became the symbol of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) � the pioneer in sound recording.

First wax cylinders were used then the 78rpm flat-disc record was introduced in the early 20th Century. Through a complex process of recording sound onto a wax disc and making master, mother and stamping discs (the latter for mass production), 78rpm records were manufactured in quantity from their main ingredient; powdered shellac (and nineteen other materials). They brought the music hall into homes but were monaural (sound from one source), scratched easily and were fragile to handle.

In the post-WWII years, shellac/78rpm records gave way to the long-play 33&1/3rd vinyl record which was more durable, longer playing and less likely to fracture like a glass dish if dropped. By the mid-1950s, stereophonic records were introduced whereby two sound sources could be cut into a single groove providing a high-fidelity stereo sound. Soon after, the cartridge tape made its appearance making recording/playback much easier and convenient, but with the same richness of sound as a hi-fi record (and they didn�t scratch!).The Wizard of Menlo Park � and his dog, would approve.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

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