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Energy Star� Qualified - New Homes

Jeffrey Havelin, PE

Homes can now be qualified as an ENERGY STAR� Qualified Home using the National Builder Option Package BOP, which includes strict requirements for analysis of Thermal Bypass.

The Thermal Bypass Checklist is a comprehensive list of building details where thermal bypass, or the movement of heat around or through insulation, frequently occurs due to missing air barriers or gaps between the air barrier and insulation. The Thermal Bypass Checklist must be completed by a certified home energy rater in order for a home to be qualified as ENERGY STAR.

This (Six-hour) course will review the details of ENERGY STAR� Qualified Homes covering both the Builder Option Package BOP, and the Thermal Bypass Checklist in detail.

The Engineer or Architect of record in many localities is now being asked to certify that the proposed construction plans meet the latest guidelines for ENERGY STAR� Qualified Homes, therefore a good working knowledge of this criteria is essential for any professionals who are involved with residential construction.

This course is based entirely on both the Thermal Bypass Checklist Guide- Version 2.0, updated June 2007; published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the ENERGY STAR� Qualified Homes - Builder Option Package BOP-dated June 2007.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of course materials.

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NY PE & PLS: You must choose courses that are technical in nature or related to matters of laws and ethics contributing to the health and welfare of the public. NY Board does not accept courses related to office management, risk management, leadership, marketing, accounting, financial planning, real estate, and basic CAD. Specific course topics that are on the borderline and are not acceptable by the NY Board have been noted under the course description on our website.