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It Thinks Therefore It Is: The Evolution of the Computer

Jeffrey Syken

It�s all around us, hiding in plain sight; The Computer Age. For the first three decades following the end of WWII, computer technology � both analog and digital � advanced by leaps and bounds, due in large part to the work of men such as Vannevar Bush (of MIT) and mathematician Alan Turing; the former with his �Differential Analyzer� (of the early 1930s) and the latter having broken the �unbreakable� German �Enigma� code (by helping to create �Colossus� for the code-breakers at Bletchley Park during WWII). It was upon these interwar and wartime advances in computer technology that ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was born. A top-secret project launched in 1943 (to assist in ballistic calculations), it would not bear fruit until February 1946, when it became the world�s first large-scale electronic general-purpose digital computer.

The war effort, on both the allied and axis sides, helped spur advances in computer technology (i.e. guidance system for the German V-2 rocket). However, the evolution of the computer can be traced as far back as the ancient world, where the Chinese Abacus served as a type of computer. By the Middle Ages, it would be the mechanical clock that really moved things forward and lead to the true predecessor of the modern computer: Automata. Automatons, with their intricate mechanisms and �programs� (i.e. cams, punched tape etc.) could write, draw and even play the piano, to the amazement of all. Later, player pianos would provide pre-programmed entertainment for the masses. Most important to the advancement of computers would be electricity. Now, with the ability of the vacuum tube to turn currents �on� and/or �off� rapidly (along with the introduction of the binary code system of �0s� and �1s�), the stage was set for rapid advancements in the 20th Century.

Established in 1911 (by combining several companies involved with time clocks, butcher�s scales and accounting machines) into a new company: C-T-R (Computing-Tabulating-Recording), Thomas Watson, Sr. laid the groundwork for what would become a global force in business, technology, management and culture. In 1924, Watson renamed the company �IBM� (International Business Machines) and the rest, as they say, is history. �Big Blue� has left an indelible mark on the world with its advances in business machines - both in the interwar years and, more importantly, in the field of electronic data processing computers in the post-WWII era. By the mid-1950s, IBM dominated the market, so much so that they were accused of creating a trust (akin to Standard Oil in the 19th Century). Much of IBM's post-war success is due in large part to the vision of Tom Watson, Jr., who took his father�s famous �THINK� philosophy to a whole other level.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

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