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PDH Online Course Description PDH Units/
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Stormwater Drainage Design for Parking Lots

Parking lots can be seen almost everywhere, from shopping centers to office buildings to schools. Stormwater drainage design is an integral component in the design of parking lots. This course covers the basics of designing an adequate storm drainage system for a parking lot. Design methods are presented for evaluating rainfall and runoff magnitude, pavement drainage, gutter flow, and drainage inlets. The concept for the design of detention/retention facilities is also discussed. Several examples are presented to illustrate the detailed procedures for designing storm drainage systems of a parking lot. The basic principles discussed in this course can be applied not only to parking lots, but to parking decks, paved streets, and highways as well.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of course materials.

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NY PE & PLS: You must choose courses that are technical in nature or related to matters of laws and ethics contributing to the health and welfare of the public. NY Board does not accept courses related to office management, risk management, leadership, marketing, accounting, financial planning, real estate, and basic CAD. Specific course topics that are on the borderline and are not acceptable by the NY Board have been noted under the course description on our website.