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1. How do I convert a CEU to a PDH or an LU?

1.0 CEU (Continuing Education Unit) = 10 PDHs or 10 LUs.

1.0 PDH (Professional Development Hour) = 1.0 Clock Hour (minimum 50 minutes).

1.0 LU (Learning Unit) for architects = 1.0 PDH for engineers.

2. What are the definitions of PDH, LU, and CEU?

A Professional Development Hour (PDH) is defined as one contact hour of instruction, presentation, or study. The term PDH is commonly used in the engineering community. The maximum PDH credit for a seminar that starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. with an hour of lunch is eight (8). Short breaks are permissible as long as a minimum of 50 minutes of presentation/participation/study per hour is undertaken. If there are no breaks, or there are breaks of less than 10 minutes per hour, no additional time may be claimed. PDH credit cannot exceed the actual contact clock hours. PDH credit is rounded off to the nearest half hour. No activity under a half hour is accepted for credit. For example, a qualifying activity of 30 to 49 minutes would be reported as 0.5 PDH and an activity of 50 to 70 minutes would be reported as 1.0 PDH. A PDH is sometimes called a PDU (Professional Development Unit).

The Learning Unit (LU) is used by the American Institute of Architects' Continuing Education Systems (AIA/CES) and is based on a 60-minute hour. Time beyond 60 minutes is recorded in quarter-hour increments (e.g., 1 hour 45 minutes = 1.75 LUs). Credit should be stated as an AIA/CES Learning Unit hour (AIA/CES LU). In order for programs to qualify for Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW) credit, providers must demonstrate that 75% of the content specifically addresses one or more HSW-related issues. Programs that qualify for HSW credit are identified as "AIA/CES Learning Unit (HSW)" or "AIA/CES LU (HSW)."

The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized and uniform unit of measure for continuing education and training. One CEU is awarded for each 10 contact hours of instruction or study. When a provider of CE activities fully follows the requirements of the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) in awarding CEUs, 10 PDHs will be credited for 1 CEU. However, one should be aware that some organizations may advertise CEU credit without having met the requirements of the IACET.

3. What is the PDH or CPC requirement in each state?

Typically, each licensee is required to obtain a total of 12 to 16 (24 to 30 if biennial) PDH units during a license registration period. States such as Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, and Texas also require 1 to 2 PDH units related to professional ethics and/or the laws and rules of professional practice. For more information regarding specific PDH or CPC requirements in your state, please visit our webpage State PDH Requirements or visit your board website.

4. What kinds of activities are qualified as PDH activities?
Determination of qualifying activities must be made by the licensee in states that do not pre-approve courses or activities. With the broad range of opportunities to earn PDH credit, it is up to the licensee to determine whether the activity qualifies under the Board's requirements. The following activities are usually acceptable to the state boards:
  • Completing online courses or correspondence courses on topics related to the licensee's professional practice (a test is required at the end of the course).
  • Completing or attending seminars or in-house training programs which relate to the licensee's professional practice.
  • Attending technical or professional society meetings when a topic related to the licensee's professional practice is presented as a principal part of the program.
  • Teaching a course for the first time or expending substantial time updating material previously taught.
  • Completing management or ethics courses that improve one's business or profession.

For additional information on typical qualifying and non-qualifying PDH activities, please visit your board website.

5. Do I need to submit a copy of the certificate of completion to my state board?

Usually, you do not need to mail/email your certificates of completion to your board unless you are asked to do so on the renewal form or when you are audited. However, you should keep a digital copy of the certificate of completion for your own record.

6. Do you offer live seminars?

Yes, we offer live web seminars (webinars) through the Internet for certain topics. You can attend our webinars from your home or office using a computer, a tablet or a smartphone.

Our live webinar program has been approved by the New York State Board for Engineering and Land Surveying, and is acceptable to all other state boards. Please click "Live Courses & Web Seminars" for the upcoming webinar schedule.

7. Do you offer courses on Florida Board Laws and Ethics?

For FL PE: Yes. Please check out our Florida Approved Courses for PE.

For FL LS: You no longer need to take the course in SOP (standard of practice) or MTS (minimum technical standard) after 2017.

8. Which states have mandatory Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) requirements?

Currently, forty-three states and the District of Columbia require evidence of Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) or Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) as a condition for renewal of the individual's professional license. Most other states are expected to follow suit in the near future.

9. Is one PDH unit equal to one hour of continuing education (one contact hour)?

Yes, one PDH (Professional Development Hour) is equal to one hour of continuing education or one contact hour. See the table below for typical conversion from other continuing education activities to PDH:


One college semester hour.................................. 45 PDH
One college quarter hour..................................... 30 PDH
One continuing education unit (CEU)..................... 10 PDH
One contact hour of teaching for the first time ........ 2 PDH
Each published paper, article, or book.................... 10 PDH
Each patent..................................................... 10 PDH

10. Where can I get answers to other questions about continuing education?

The following state boards of registration for PE and PLS provide answers to FAQs or supply detailed information regarding continuing education on their websites:

Florida Board of Professional Engineers
Georgia Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
Kansas State Board of Technical Professions
Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board
Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID

The following Canadian provincial boards of registration for PEng also provide detailed information regarding continuing education on their websites:

Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Newfoundland
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick

11. Are your courses acceptable to the Pennsylvania PE & LS Board?

Yes, our courses are acceptable to PA Board as long as they maintain, improve or expand the skills and knowledge of your professional practice. You need to complete 24 credits (PDHs) by the September 30 renewal date (odd year).

To eliminate any confusion about continuing education requirements for PE & LS licensed in PA, we have posted below the latest notice from the Pennsylvania Board.

** Special Notice: Continuing Education Requirements **
PA State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists eNewsletter (June 9, 2010)



In its e-newsletter sent May 14, the State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists attempted to update licensees on the upcoming requirements for mandatory continuing education (CE) to be set forth in regulations of the Board. THAT INFORMATION IS NOW OUT OF DATE AND SHOULD BE DISREGARDED.

This special mailing is intended to provide licensees with the most current information concerning mandatory continuing education. Please accept our apologies for any confusion that may have resulted.

On May 12, the legislature enacted and Governor Rendell signed into law Act 25 which amended the Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law (the Law) to clarify the requirements for mandatory continuing education and to make it easier to meet your requirements and to provide more choice in CE courses, seminars, workshops and conferences.

Act 25 specifically eliminated the need for the board to pre-approve CE courses. Now, the board CE requirements are based upon the provision of the model law and rules of the National Council of Examiners in Engineer and Surveying (NCEES), which is the national organization of licensing boards. This change in the Law expands the number of CE courses and activities that will be acceptable for credit.

In addition, Act 25 specifies that the first CE cycle of 24 credits must be completed, no ifs, ands or buts, by the Sept. 30, 2011 renewal cycle. This is a change from the prior directive. But the board has come up with a way to smooth the transition for you so that no one is disadvantaged or is unfairly disciplined for any CE deficiencies that may result from confusion over the CE deadline.

In order to accommodate licensees who are just now learning of this deadline, the board has decided to grant a moratorium from disciplinary action for anyone who has not completed the 24 CE credits by the Sept. 30, 2011, renewal date provided any and all CE credits short of the mandatory 24 are completed by April 1, 2012. If you fail to make up the CE deficit by the April 2012 deadline, you will be facing disciplinary action and you will not be permitted to double count CE earned after the September deadline for the following renewal cycle.

The best course of action is to begin doing your CE today. Any CE credits that you have earned as far back as Oct. 1, 2009, will be acceptable at the time of renewal.

** End of Special Notice **

12. Are all PDHonline courses acceptable to the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors (NCBELS)?

Although we are a NCBELS-approved sponsor for continuing education of engineers and land surveyors, NC Board does not automatically accept all of our courses. As an NC licensee, you must choose courses that will result in the maintenance, improvement, or expansion of skills and knowledge relevant to your field of practice. In particular, the following types of courses or activities are not acceptable for CPC credit in North Carolina:

• Executive Coaching
• Estate or financial planning
• Basic computer/software (e.g. Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.)
• Sight-seeing and tours
• Visiting vendor/exhibitor displays
• Sales presentations or sales seminars (e.g. increasing sales, maximizing profitability, marketing, etc.)
• Self-study
• Personal improvement
• General business meetings
• Regular employment activities
• Research
• Company procedure and policy workshops

In addition, the Board has final authority with respect to the approval of courses, credit, PDH value for courses, and methods for licensees to earn credit.

If you could not find the answer to your question, please send your question through "Contact Us".