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Mohamed Elsanabary, Ph.D.
Civil Engineer

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PDHonline Course Provider Biography

Dr. Elsanabary is a graduate of the University of Alberta, Canada. He is also a professional tutor with NAIT. Dr. Elsanabary began his engineering career in 1997. Since then he has gained significant experience in the analysis, design, investigation, and testing of structures and construction materials including soils, concrete, and steel. He has authored numerous technical reports and studies and has served as a reviewer for national and international publishers. He has served in technical societies and on committees at the local, regional, and national level.

Dr. Elsanabary has received numerous awards and recognitions, such as the Professional Development Grant from The University of Alberta. Also, he is a member of IAHS, and ASCE; and has previously served as Communication Coordinator for the Edmonton chapter of the CWRA–SYP.

In addition to his professional experience in the engineering field, Dr. Elsanabary is an assistant professor in the civil Engineering department at Port Said University. He currently serves as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Alberta.

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H146 Hydraulic Engineering 4 $119 Buy Quiz
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