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Richard A. Haas, PE
Entrepreneur Engineer

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PDHonline Course Provider Biography

Richard A. Haas, P.E. is retired from a career as an entrepreneur engineer. A graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a BME degree in 1958 followed by three years active duty with the U.S. Navy. Then five years as a sales engineer in the field of automatic control instrumentation for the process industries was a launching platform for the beginning of his own small engineering firm designing control systems and building control panels. Over the years he became interested in real estate investments and was soon planning residential land development projects, building the roads, designing and building the homes and appurtenant septic systems and actively participating in the sales as a Realtor in his own firm. He owned and operated a horse breeding and training farm and served as treasurer, president and chairman of the world's largest Morgan horse show and regional association.

A Registered Professional Engineer since 1966, Richard has been involved in the use of computers since 1984. Initially writing software in APL for his IBM mini-computer then incorporating personal computers for business and CAD purposes. He transitioned to Windows and Autocad R13 from the Macintosh when it became apparent that this was the direction of the future. He is adept in the use of Autocad and has selected Architectural Desktop as his specialty application. Currently subscribing to ADT2005.

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